Attracting the customers to your product is essential in the world of marketing, here are some important marketing phrases you can use to better grab customers’ attention:
1- Think as a customer
When you will play a role as customer and think as buyer not seller, you can take the right decision and place a successful marketing plan
2- Exclusive offer for limited time offer
When customers know there is an exclusive offer that they can take advantage of for a limited time, they are more likely to be motivated to buy
3- Discount & sale
Customers are always looking to save money, use such a phrase to emphasize that your product offers an opportunity to save them money
4- Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
When you promise your customers a satisfaction guarantee, they feel confident and secure in purchasing your product
5- New collection, models or product …
People are always looking for something new, use this phrase to highlight what is unique and innovative about your product
6- Free
The word “free” always catches people’s attention, If you’re offering a free gift with purchases, try using that word
7- High rating
If your product has been highly appreciated or well-rated by customers or experts, don’t hesitate to promote this achievement
8- Ease of use
Customers value products and services that they can use easily, use this phrase to show that your product is easy to use
9- Advantages of using
When marketing your product, try to highlight the tangible results and benefits that customers will receive by purchasing your product
10- 24-hour support
If you offer 24/7 support, try to emphasize this feature to ensure customer convenience
11- Express Delivery
When customers know they will get their product quickly, they are more likely to buy
12- Free trial
If you’re offering a free trial of your product or service, use this phrase to entice customers to try it